Crazy Wisdom: Conjuring Up Clarity, Courage & Calm
to Chart Your Path Ahead

a Wisdom Session with Christine Arylo, MBA, Women's Leadership Advisor, Teacher & Catalyst 

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It's intense out there. Lots of us are feeling overwhelmed. Facing changes and choices stretching us out of our comfort zone, calling us forth. 

More than ever you need the inner strength to stay centered and a connection to a deeper wisdom to get clear, so you can stay focused on what matters.

But how do you stay centered, calm and clear within the chaos of the world? Make wise choices that stretch you vs. contract when you feel doubt, fear & uncertainty?

There are practices. There is potent wisdom to apply practically to your life, work, business, and relationships. Which is why I'm calling us together for this gathering,.

 Join Christine Arylo for an illuminating and self-reflective wisdom session at a potent time of the year for accessing your intuitive inner knowing & conjuring up courage.  

We will dive into WISDOM + PRACTICES + INQUIRIES you can apply to what's stretching you right now - so you complete this year strong and set yourself up to emerge in 2021 with momentum and focus, including:

  • CONNECT WITH YOUR WISDOM: Learn practices for accessing the wise woman within you who knows the path forward ... if you know how to connect with her.
  • REVEAL CHOICES: Discern between choices you're considering, that are led by fear or distorted imprints (sabotaging you) and choices made from inner truth (stretching you in supportive ways).  
  • FEEL COURAGE: Learn practices for moving through uncertainty and taking intuitive risks that lead you in the direction you desire to go - regardless of what others (or your self-doubt) says.
  • GAIN CLARITY: Get clear on what to focus on for the rest of the year that matters most, and gain the inner courage to let the rest go. 
  • ROOT INTO YOUR CALM CORE: Learn some simple practices and structure you can put into place that will keep you connected to your strong inner core - you don't get caught in the swirl of the world, others or the holidays.

You will leave with practices you can use now to release anxiety, fear and doubt AND access your higher intelligence and intuition... with greater clarity on the choices & stretches you are facing in your life. 

We gather our power as women when we gather.

 Join Christine Arylo for an illuminating and self-reflective wisdom session at a potent time of the year for accessing your intuitive inner knowing & conjuring up courage.  

We will dive into wisdom + practices + inquiries you can apply to what's stretching you right now - so you complete this year strong and set yourself up to emerge in 2020 with momentum and focus, including:

  • CRAZY WISDOM: Learn and try practices for accessing the wise woman within you who is unafraid to step forward into whatever is stretching you. She knows the path foward... if you know how to connect with her.
  • CHOICES: Discern between choices you are making or considering that are being led by fear, blind faith, or obligation (sabotaging you) and choices made from wisdom and inner truth (supporting you to stretch in supportive ways).  
  • COURAGE: Learn practices and structures for moving through uncertainty to make choices that feel right for you & stretch you in the direction you desire to go - regardless of what others (or your self-doubt) says.
  • CLARITY: Get clear on what to focus on for the rest of the year that matters most, and gain the inner courage to let the rest go. 
  • CALM: Learn what you actually need to 'do' daily create a strong inner core that keeps you calm within yourself - so you don't get caught in the swirl of the world, others or the holidays.

You will leave with practices you can use now to release anxiety, fear and doubt AND access your higher intelligence and intuition... with clarity on the choices & stretches you are facing in your life. 

We gather our power as women when we gather.

Logic and intellect alone cannot show you the way forward.
Conventional wisdom does not have the answers.

We are not here to be followers.
We embrace our power as the leaders within our lives, families, & organizations...
with the power to re-imagine and re-design the world we desire to live in.

At this time of the year, we turn inward, to our feminine wisdom...our CRAZY WISDOM... the intuitive knowing that has guided women for thousands of years to stand up, speak up and do things differently.... lighting the ways to new realities and worlds.  

Logic and intellect alone cannot show you the way forward. Conventional wisdom does not have the answers.

We are not here to be followers. We embrace our power as the leaders within our lives, families, & organizations... with the power to re-imagine and re-design the world we desire to live in.

At this time of the year, we turn inward, to our feminine wisdom...our CRAZY WISDOM... the intuitive knowing that has guided women for thousands of years to stand up, speak up and do things differently.... lighting the ways to new realities and worlds.  

INVITE OTHER WOMEN TO JOIN YOU! Share this Feminine Wisdom Session with your friends on social media. When women come together, with intention, in sisterhood, shift happens! 

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