Join Us for the annual

EMERGE Visioning & Intention Setting Experience

with Christine Arylo and The Feminine Wisdom Way Collective

 Register for EMERGE 2025

In these intense & changing times, instead of rushing into 2025 on auto-pilot, pushing forward, or making more pressure-filled resolutions and goals... there is a different way...

Be guided through a creative structure that feels both empowering + enjoyable... and sets you up to achieve, succeed, and receive what you need, professionally & personally.

Watch this video message from Christine Arylo, MBA, Leadership Advisor and Founder of the Feminine Wisdom Way,
to learn more about the EMERGE Visioning, Intention Setting and Focusing Experience.

Join Us for the annual

EMERGE Visioning & Intention Setting Experience

with Christine Arylo and The Feminine Wisdom Way Collective

Register for EMERGE 2025

In these intense times, it’s easy to feel too overwhelmed to get focused for the year ahead, or to push forward, making pressure-filled resolutions and goals, racing into 2025.
We have a different way: be guided through a structure that feels both empowering + enjoyable, and sets you up to achieve, succeed, and receive what you need, both professionally & personally. So that you can continue to be the Conscious Changemaker and Co-Creator that you came here to be.

Watch this video message from Christine Arylo, MBA, Leadership Advisor and Founder of the Feminine Wisdom Way, to learn more about the EMERGE Visioning, Intention Setting, and Focusing Experience.

The EMERGE process taps you into the power of your intuition, creativity & deeper desires to bring clarity, momentum and intention to how you focus your time, energy and resources in 2025.

So the choices you make - professionally & personally - create both a meaningful impact in the world and with others + a whole-life for yourself in which you feel successful, sustained and supported.

The EMERGE process taps you into the power of your intuition, creativity & deeper desires to bring clarity, momentum and intention to how you focus your time, energy and resources in 2025.

So the choices you make - professionally and personally - create a meaningful impact + whole-life for yourself in which you feel successful, sustained and supported.

You will experience:

Image by Sharon Zeugin, She Rises
  • The SPACIOUSNESS to vision, dream, explore and consider possibilities & get clear on what really matters to you, through a 4-step process we've tested and refined for over a decade.
  • The SATISFACTION & RELEASE that comes from reflecting on the past year to acknowledge successes, release shorts, and take the wisdom you've received into 2025.
  • The CREATIVE POWER of using your intuition & imagination and creative tools like visual thinking, wisdom inquiries, & intentional journaling to tap into deeper wisdom & new potential.
  • An ELEVATED, MORE EMPOWERING, SUPPORTIVE and SUSTAINABLE WAY to approach achieving your personal & professional goals, creating a strong foundation of wellbeing, and caring for those you love & lead, and managing a full life.

You Will Be Held in an Intentional Structure
that Gives You Focused Creative Space to
Set Yourself Up for 2025, Professionally & Personally

The Reflecting + Visioning + Intention Setting Process:
A pace and structure that feels both spacious & energizing.

The EMERGE process isn't just about looking forward and the pressure to do more in 2025. It's also about pausing to give yourself yourself space to RECOGNIZE + RECEIVE what you've done and become this past year, and then create forward from momentum & intention.

  • You'll start with a Year-End Reflection Ritual & Year-Start Dreaming Inquiries - that you can engage with and complete anytime.
  • Our first live session together as a collective is on Jan 5th - we begin the 4-part visioning process, starting with Expand (attend sessions live or all are also recorded).
  • You can follow our pace, where each week we activate the next step. Or you can set your own pace. Either way, you will be held in a creative process and collective through the start of February, ensuring you've set intentions and made a visual compass that guides you the rest of the year.

PART 1: Expand
Tune into your intuitive knowing to get clear on what matters to you in 2025. Here you get to open up your imagination and creativity to get beyond limitations and tap into inspiration.

PART 2: Focus
Gain clarity on what to focus your life force, resources, time & co-creative power on this coming year. Simplify your intentions & priorities personally & professionally so what matters grows.

PART 3: Receive
Get clear about the support & space you need & desire in 2025. Put practices & structure in place to cultivate & receive this, to keep your personal sustainability & wellbeing strong.

PART 4: Illuminate
Create your 2025 "VISION BOOK" - which you will use as your COMPASS throughout the year to stay inspired and make choices that keep you both FOCUSED on what matters + FLUID to navigate changes.

You will complete the Emerge Process with:

  • FOCUSED INTENTIONS for 2025 around all facets of your life: Work in the World, Relationships, Presence, & Wellbeing; which keeps you feeling balanced & nourished all year.
  • CLARITY on where to focus your life force, resources, mindshare, and time in 2025.
  • A 2025 "VISION BOOK" and Wisdom Journal to use as your COMPASS throughout the year to make choices that keep you both FOCUSED on what matters + FLUID to navigate changes.

    Like your North Star, these will keep you CENTERED, COMMITTED & feeling your CO-CREATIVE Power and Wisdom through whatever emerges in 2025.

EMERGE is for You

We are gathering the Conscious Changemakers and Co-Creators who would love an intentional, inspired and creative space held for them to vision and set clear intentions for the year ahead ... so we stay focused on what creates momentum & meaningful impact, and sustains & nourishes us.

For a decade, we have come together to create a powerful co-creative field throughout January that expands our creativity, courage and access to wisdom, insight & guidance. We give our creative, feminine energy space to expand, be energized and guided... and then - like archers - with clarity & commitment, we choose our intentions and focuses to co-create into reality.

This collective of women spans across different ages, life & career stages, professions, and is diverse in how we create & elevate in the systems we work and live in.

What we share in common is we...

  • Use our power, wisdom and care to create a better world, through our personal leadership: our choices, voices, presence, projects, relationships & how we live and lead.
  • Embrace & apply our power to do things differently in ways that create more harmony and often look different than the mainstream. #harmonicdefiance
  • Believe creativity is a super power all women have, and while the expression looks different, our creative power is key to elevating ourselves & re-imagining this world.

  • Are at our strongest and best when we work and create from our natural and unique 'design' and path, and we need space to listen to our deeper wisdom to align to that design.
  • Continue to evolve - as we move through different life phases, how we show up in our careers, expression, work in the world, and priorities shift.
  • Redefine what work is, reject societal constructs that don't honor a woman's value as she ages, and embrace our careers as our path to giving our gifts and sharing our genius until we leave the planet.

We are gathering the Conscious Changemakers and Co-Creators who would love an intentional, inspired and creative space held for them to vision and set clear intentions for the year ahead ... so we can stay focused on what creates momentum & meaningful impact, and sustains & nourishes us.

For a decade, we have come together to create a powerful co-creative field throughout January that expands our creativity, courage and access to wisdom, insight & guidance. We give our creative, feminine energy space to expand, be energized and guided... and then - like archers - with clarity & commitment, we choose our intentions and focuses to co-create into reality.

This collective of women spans across different ages, life & career stages, professions, and is diverse in how we create & elevate in the systems we work and live in.

What we share in common is we...

  • Use our power, wisdom and care to create a better world, through our personal leadership: our choices, voices, presence, projects, relationships & how we live and lead.
  • Embrace & apply our power to do things differently in ways that create more harmony and often look different than the mainstream. #harmonicdefiance
  • Believe creativity is a super power all women have, and while the expression looks different, our creative power is key to elevating ourselves & re-imagining this world.

  • Are at our strongest and best when we work and create from our natural and unique 'design' and path, and we need space to listen to our deeper wisdom to align to that design.
  • Continue to evolve - as we move through different life phases, how we show up in our careers, expression, work in the world, and priorities shift.
  • Redefine what work is, reject societal constructs that don't honor a woman's value as she ages, and embrace our careers as our path to giving our gifts and sharing our genius until we leave the planet.

The EMERGE process by design supports you to create a whole-life, where all parts are tended and healthy, so you stay radiant.

It sets us up to effort less and work wiser.
And create a reality where we can play our part in creating a better world, stay sustained & centered in the process, and savor our lives.

The EMERGE process by design supports you to create a whole-life, where all parts are tended and healthy, so you stay radiant.

It sets us up to effort less and work wiser.

And create a reality where we can play our part in creating a better world, stay sustained & centered in the process, and savor our lives.

Here are some of the co-creative methods & models we use & you'll benefit from:

#1: We focus on all 4 realms of a woman's whole, dynamic and diverse life throughout the process so the intentions, focuses & milestones you choose to put energy to naturally leads you to creating a whole-life you flow with and through.
(this is how we get out of the work/life balance mindset that doesn't work for how women work best)

#2 We also apply the sustainable success and feminine wisdom principles for working wiser vs. harder, which keep us out of overwhelm and empower us to create the reality of:


Productivity the Natural & Wiser Way

Get clear on the focuses, projects, and areas to GROW, what can be MAINTAINED, what needs to be SEEDED and nurtured, or and released and LET GO.

Creating, Growing, & Achieving at a Sustainable Pace

Set your year to focus on what matters most to you vs. fragmenting your resources, creating overwhelm, or lacking time for things that matter but don't "make money."

Redefining Work & Career, regardless of life stage

Learn a more empowering, energizing way to look at work and career that gives you meaning, focus and more aligned choices - no matter your stage of life.

We put a special focus on Sustainable Creation in our visioning process because so much of how we've been taught to succeed in our career, grow a business, think about 'retirement', achieve work/life balance or create financial stability is based on distorted models of growth and power that lack the feminine. We've created new models that work for how women work, create, achieve and co-create best, over time.

#3 We use the tools of Visual Thinking, Intuitive Inquiry & Creative Journaling to access our full spectrum of intelligence, intuition, creativity and wisdom.

We put the full process into a journal with visual thinking templates, inquiries and guidance on each step. You can order this journal and have it delivered to you, print it as a PDF or use it as a guide for your own journal. This holds the creative space for you for all of January, and gives you the space to imagine, focus, and gain clarity.

Here are some of the co-creative methods & models we use & you'll benefit from:

#1: We focus on all 4 realms of a woman's whole, dynamic and diverse life throughout the process so the intentions, focuses & milestones you choose to put energy to naturally leads you to
creating a whole-life you flow with and through.
(this is how we get out of the work/life balance mindset that doesn't work for how women work best)

#2 We also apply the sustainable success and feminine wisdom principles for working wiser vs. harder, which keep us out of overwhelm and empower us to create the reality of:


Productivity the Natural & Wiser Way

Get clear on the focuses, projects, and areas to GROW, what can be MAINTAINED, what needs to be SEEDED and nurtured, or and released and LET GO.

Creating, Growing, & Achieving at a Sustainable Pace

Set your year to focus on what matters most to you vs. fragmenting your resources, creating overwhelm, or lacking time for things that matter but don't "make money."

Redefining Work & Career, regardless of life stage

Learn a more empowering, energizing way to look at work and career that gives you meaning, focus and more aligned choices - no matter your stage of life.

We put a special focus on Sustainable Creation in our visioning process because so much of how we've been taught to succeed in our career, grow a business, think about 'retirement', achieve work/life balance or create financial stability is based on distorted models of growth and power that lack the feminine. We've created new models that work for how women work, create, achieve and co-create best, over time.

#3 We use the tools of Visual Thinking, Intuitive Inquiry & Creative Journaling to access our full spectrum of intelligence, intuition, creativity and wisdom.

We put the full process into a journal with visual thinking templates, inquiries and guidance on each step. You can order this journal and have it delivered to you, print it as a PDF or use it as a guide for your own journal. This holds the creative space for you for all of January, and gives you the space to imagine, focus, and gain clarity.

You'll complete the process with a "Vision Book" that like a Compass Guides Your Focus All Year ... No Art Experience Needed... Just a willingness to express your Creative Power

You'll complete the process with a "Vision Book" that like a Compass Guides Your Focus All Year ... No Art Experience Needed... Just a willingness to express your Creative Power

For the final part of the EMERGE process, you'll experience a creative workshop in which you create a physical "Vision Book" and Wisdom Journal, which...

  • Holds both your clear intentions + focuses as well as images and words of wisdom that inspire and guide you mind, body, heart and spirit.
  • Becomes both a compass for the year - guiding your path and decisions - and a co-creative altar holding the essence of the intentions and truth of what matters to you this coming year - so you can actively 'work' these into being.
  • You work with throughout the year to create from momentum, to see incremental progress, and to keep you centered and clear on all the parts of your life, work, wellbeing & relationships that matter.

Special Note: No "art" experience is necessary. Really. Every Vision Book is unique... there is no right or wrong way... it's about embracing our co-creative power... and giving yourself permission to play & create space.

We keep the process simple... because every year is different, and everyone expresses differently.

We will give you options, creative ideas and different levels of depth for you to explore. We are a stand that every woman leaves the EMERGE process with a co-creative visual book that feels good to them this year.

We also know that "creativity" can stoke the inner critic for many, and for others, they take the structure we provide and make it their own.

That's the beauty of doing this in community - instead of comparing ourselves to others, we can be inspired by each other.

We get you set up to do this right at home - the beauty of that is you are bringing the creative energy into your personal space.

We use the power of symbol and metaphor and words to invoke the power of our intuition and what's called 'the imaginal field' ... which people like Einstein knew how to use to breakthrough to new realities.

Creativity + Intention = Power

What EMERGE participants are saying

Visioning the Feminine Way & creating this physical manifestation of my desires and life force focuses for the year started my year with so much power. And trust me, that was a big move for me because up until now, I don't paint and "play" with markers, crayons, art of any kind. It was a very heart and eye opening practice for me.

- Cheryl Shartle, Ohio, VP of Human Resources

I am accomplishing more of what I want, my soul is getting fed, and I am showing up as a better person in the world as a result. Starting the year this way supports me to trust what unfolds throughout the year.

It's given me a structure to live in the flow with nature's cycles, which helps me to see how to support myself and those around me better. It has tuned me in to myself, my intuition and what I really want and need. It has helped me look at things differently and live in a way that creates a calmer spirit in me, that doesn't get caught up in the stress and overwhelm as much.

- Jen Bozwelyo, Alberta Canada, Wellness Coach

Honestly, at first, I was a bit skeptical of the process because I had been so trained as a lawyer to move fast, rely on my intellect and type things into computer. The thought of taking so much time and slowing down was foreign and frankly seemed crazy.

But... it was one of the best things I've ever done. What I learned is that taking this intentional space and slowing down actually makes the right things happen faster and the unnecessary things fall away . Things came through in the visioning and painting process that allowed parts of my work to come through I could never have seen with my intellect.

Opening to the creative process has been profound. But... it was one of the best things I've ever done. What I learned is that taking this intentional space and slowing down actually makes the right things happen faster and the unnecessary things fall away. Things came through in the visioning and painting process that allowed parts of my work to come through I could never have seen with my intellect. Opening to the creative process has been profound.

- Kavita Rani Arora, JD, California, Unconventional Business Strategist

EMERGE is a simple yet significant process that offers a robust structure to hold you, and is also flexible to meet you where you are in life. Listen for more...

- Jennifer Alexander Monzon, MBA, Mother, Social Impact Entrepreneur

What EMERGE participants are saying

Visioning the Feminine Way & creating this physical manifestation of my desires and life force focuses for the year started my year with so much power. And trust me, that was a big move for me because up until now, I don't paint and "play" with markers, crayons, art of any kind. It was a very heart and eye opening practice for me.

- Cheryl Shartle, Ohio, VP of Human Resources

I am accomplishing more of what I want, my soul is getting fed, and I am showing up as a better person in the world as a result. Starting the year setting this way supports me to trust what unfolds throughout the year.

It's given me a structure to live in the flow with nature's cycles, which helps me to see how to support myself and those around me better. It has tuned me in to myself, my intuition and what I really want and need. It has helped me look at things differently and live in a way that creates a calmer spirit in me, that doesn't get caught up in the stress and overwhelm as much.

- Jen Bozwelyo, Alberta Canada, Wellness Coach

Honestly, at first, I was a bit skeptical of the process because I had been so trained as a lawyer to move fast, rely on my intellect and type things into computer. The thought of taking so much time and slowing down was foreign and frankly seemed crazy.

But... it was one of the best things I ever done. What I learned is that taking this intentional space and slowing down actually makes the right things happen faster and the unnecessary things fall away. Things came through in the visioning and painting process that allowed parts of my work to come through I could never have seen with my intellect. Opening to the creative process has been profound.

- Kavita Rani Arora, JD, California, Unconventional Business Strategist

EMERGE is a simple yet significant process that offers a robust structure to hold you, and is also flexible to meet you where you are in life. Listen for more...

- Jennifer Alexander Monzon, MBA, Mother, Social Impact Entrepreneur

Consider Yourself Invited.
Live sessions start Jan 5th.
Register now so you can get your journals delivered in time.
Details are below.

Consider Yourself Invited. We start reflecting on Dec 22nd. Live sessions start Jan 5th. Register now so you can get your journals delivered in time. Details are below.

Emerge Visioning Event Banner

Emerge Visioning & Intention Setting - The Flow, Dates & Details


You do this in your life. We gather live via video or audio. Or you can watch recordings.


We start the reflecting and dreaming process through the first week of January where you'll have space to reflect and honor the year that has been, and then just BE and dream with some simple processes we provide. Then, we begin the 4-week process the week of Jan 5th. We have weekly live sessions through January, including our Creative Vision Compass workshop at the end.

You can attend the sessions or watch the recordings. You can follow our pace, participate live or go through the steps at your own pace.

You will also receive an invitation to join us for the live year-end reflection ritual. The Guidebook for the Ritual is included in the EMERGE Visioning Journal so you can do it anytime.

Remember, it's all recorded so if you miss a session, you can tune in after. See below for the detailed flow and times.

Frequently Asked Questions + Schedule Here


$288 (one payment) or $99 (three-payments) for the full EMERGE Visioning Process.

EMERGE includes:

  • 4 Live (& recorded) Visioning Sessions on Sundays in January, including the Creative Workshop
  • The Year-End Reflection Ritual + the January Dreaming Time Practices
  • The EMERGE Visioning Journal with the entire process, templates, worksheets, and more - you automatically receive this as a PDF when you register or you can choose to order a printed and bound copy which we will ship to you.
  • Community and connection with other conscious women
  • Access to the process and recordings through November 2025.

Note: EMERGE is included in the tuition for those who register for the full year Feminine Wisdom Way memberships. To learn more about the Feminine Wisdom Way see below or click here.

If you have questions, our team is happy to answer them.
Reach out via email to Evy, our community care lead at

To learn more about the full-year Feminine Wisdom Way experience, which includes EMERGE,
go to

Emerge Visioning Event Banner

Emerge Visioning & Intention Setting - The Flow, Dates & Details


You do this in your life. We gather live via video or audio. Or you can watch recordings.


We start the reflecting process the last two weeks of December. The first week of January you'll have space to just BE and dream with some simple processes we provide. Then, we begin the 4-week process. We have weekly live sessions through January, including our Creative Vision Compass workshop at the end.

You can attend the sessions or watch the recordings. You can follow our pace, participate live or go through the steps at your own pace.

You will also receive an invitation to join us for the live year-end reflection ritual. The Guidebook for the Ritual is included in the EMERGE Visioning Journal so you can do it anytime.

Remember, it's all recorded so if you miss a session, you can tune in after. See below for the detailed flow and times.


$288 (one payment) or $99 (three-payments) for the full EMERGE Visioning Process.

EMERGE includes:

  • 4 Live (& recorded) Visioning Sessions on Sundays in January, including the Creative Workshop
  • The December Reflection Ritual + the January Dreaming Time Practices
  • The EMERGE Visioning Journal with the entire process, templates, worksheets, and more - you automatically receive this as a PDF when you register or you can choose to order a printed and bound copy which we will ship to you.
  • Community and connection with other conscious women
  • Access to the process and recordings through November 2025.

Note: EMERGE is included in the tuition for those who register for the full year Feminine Wisdom Way memberships. To learn more about the Feminine Wisdom Way see below or click here.

If you have questions, our team is happy to answer them.
Reach out via email to Evy, our community care lead at

To learn more about the full-year Feminine Wisdom Way experience, which includes EMERGE,
go to

Learn More About Your EMERGE Facilitators + The Feminine Wisdom Way community of wise women daring to do it differently.

Learn More About Your EMERGE Facilitators + The Feminine Wisdom Way community of wise women daring to do it differently.

Emerge Facilitators

To learn more about each of us - polymaths bridging worlds to create new ways that work for how women and humans work best - click on our names. We look forward to being with you this year!

The EMERGE Process was created over a decade ago by Christine Arylo, MBA who has been a thought leader, social innovator, leadership advisor and wisdom teacher for women pioneering new ways of leading, living and succeeding for over 20 years. She is joined by Lea Guthrie, Katherine Torrini and Jennifer Alexander who have been active co-creators and collaborators, and who bring unique gifts and experiences to the EMERGE process.

Katherine, a visual strategist and graphic facilitator brings her gifts of visual magic. Lea brings her expertise in natural sciences with decades of experience as a teacher, coach and advisor to strong women. Jennifer brings her experiences a social impact entrepreneur, mother of two girls and a gift of bringing feminine wisdom and presence into daily living and our professional careers, projects and passions.

Feminine Wisdom Way Mobile

The Emerge Visioning process is included in the full year Feminine Wisdom Way memberships. Consider joining us and receiving support and structure all year. Learn more at

The Feminine Wisdom Way is a Wisdom School that strengthens your access to your intuitive power and feminine wisdom in practical ways that give you the insight and power to live, lead, create, and operate in the world - in your work/career, relationships, health, wealth & home - wiser, with more impact and less overwhelm... in the FLOW.

It is a Community of Conscious Women who are applying their personal leadership through their voices, choices and presence, daring to work, live, succeed, achieve and do things differently.

It is a 'way of working wiser and living well' - providing the structure for co-creating our ideas/desires/work in the world into form ... for applying cyclical living, prioritizing and pathing ... for staying harmonized (clear, centered and sustained) in chaotic times ... and creating whole lives we can savor while also doing our part to create a better world.

Emerge Facilitators

The EMERGE Process was created over a decade ago by Christine Arylo, MBA who has been a thought leader, social innovator, leadership advisor and wisdom teacher for women pioneering new ways of leading, living and succeeding for over 20 years. She is joined by Lea Guthrie, Katherine Torrini and Jennifer Alexander who have been active co-creators and collaborators, and who bring unique gifts and experiences to the EMERGE process.

Katherine, a visual strategist and graphic facilitator brings her gifts of visual magic. Lea brings her expertise in natural sciences with decades of experience as a teacher, coach and advisor to strong women. Jennifer brings her experiences a social impact entrepreneur, mother of two girls and a gift of bringing feminine wisdom and presence into daily living.

To learn more about each of us - polymaths bridging worlds to create new ways that work for how women and humans work best - click on our names. We look forward to being with you this year!

Feminine Wisdom Way Mobile

The Feminine Wisdom Way is a Wisdom School that strengthens your access to your intuitive power and feminine wisdom in practical ways that give you the insight and power to live, lead, create, and operate in the world - in your work/career, relationships, health, wealth & home - wiser, with more impact and less overwhelm... in the FLOW.

It is a Community of Conscious Women who are applying their personal leadership through their voices, choices and presence, daring to work, live, succeed, achieve and do things differently.

It is a 'way of working wiser and living well' - providing the structure for co-creating our ideas/desires/work in the world into form ... for applying cyclical living, prioritizing and pathing ... for staying harmonized (clear, centered and sustained) in chaotic times ... and creating whole lives we can savor while also doing our part to create a better world.

The Emerge Visioning process is included in the full year Feminine Wisdom Way memberships. Consider joining us and receiving support and structure all year. Learn more

 After two decades of creating and leading transformative experiences for women here to create change, and living the path ourselves, what we know for sure is that:

When women come together with intention, shift happens...
We need each other to access the wisdom for the path ahead...
We need space to hear and feel the deeper wisdom within. 

This will not be another to-do.
This is a structure to support you.

Join us.

Register for EMERGE 2025 
Learn more about the Full Feminine Wisdom Way Year 

 After two decades of creating and leading transformative experiences for women here to create change, and living the path ourselves, what we know for sure is that:

When women come together with intention, shift happens...
We need each other to access the wisdom for the path ahead...
We need space to hear and feel the deeper wisdom within. 

This will not be another to-do. This is a structure to support you.

Join us.