Enrollment is Currently Closed. If you would like to be notified when enrollment opens for our next live session, enter your information below.

"Enriching, Fulfilling, Transformative"
- Burnout to Balance Participant

We have more power than we think to create the space, time & support needed to stay centered, clear & strong in our well-being & radiance (when you know where to look and you have guidance & support to do things differently!)

For over a decade, I've been offering a 40-Day Practice at this time of the year -- the best time to shift micro-habits, patterns and mindsets and explore practices, wisdom & new ways of working, living & relating. Why? Each year it provides new insights & breakthroughs + resets & elevates our habits & patterns.

Watch the video. From me to you. To learn more and sense into if this is for you.

You'll complete the virtual retreat reset... wiser... with the rhythm, habits, practices and mindset that support you now, and for the year ahead. This is not another to do. This is a support system for you.

"Enriching, Fulfilling, Transformative"

- Burnout to Balance Participant

We have more power than we think to create the space, time & support needed to stay centered, clear & strong in our well-being & radiance
(when you know where to look and you have guidance & support to do things differently!)

For over a decade, I've been offering a 40-Day Practice at this time of the year -- the best time to shift micro-habits, patterns and mindsets and explore practices, wisdom & new ways of working, living & relating. Why? Each year it provides new insights & breakthroughs + resets & elevates our habits & patterns.

Watch the video. From me to you. To learn more & sense into if this is for you.

You'll complete the virtual retreat reset... wiser... with the rhythm, habits, practices and mindset that support you NOW, and for the year ahead. This is not another to do. It's a support system for you.

You cannot change what you cannot see. But once you can see it, you gain the power to change it.

You cannot change what you cannot see. But once you can see it, you gain the power to change it.

We all want to feel vital, energized, calm, centered, strong and radiant. Yet most people fail to maintain these states, not for lack of trying, but for lack of the wisdom & practices needed for our times... Lack of self-awareness & systemic-awareness to get to the roots of what drives the imbalances, overwhelm, burnout and repeating patterns... Lack of the space & structure to make changes.

It takes 40 days to reveal and break a habit, mindset or pattern.

Lasting change requires awareness on all 4 realms of wellbeing & resiliency.

4 Elements of Wellbeing Cropped Christine Arylo

Instead of continuing to treat the symptoms and 'manage' stress and 'make it all work' - the structure of the 40-day practice will give you the space to:

1. ILLUMINATE your personal burnout imprints and 4 areas of well-being & resilience - Body/Physical, Mind/Mental, Heart/Emotional, Spirit/Meaningful (plus a bonus realm of Relational the last week).

2. UNLEARN sabotaging habits/mindsets/choices + experiment in your daily life so you LEARN (and trust) supportive ways to work, live, lead, succeed, create, relate and operate.

3. LIBERATE yourself from at least one - perhaps more - major mind/heart shift, physical pattern/reality and energy sucking habit.

4. ELEVATE your internal operating system - so the choices you make align with the reality you want to create.

The keys are:

WAKE UP - and see the root drivers of the burnout

FOCUS on what you can change - your patterns, habits, and choices

EMBRACE YOUR POWER - through practices & wisdom that create harmony

MAKE CHOICES - that align with your truth and needs & start doing things differently

We all want to feel vital, energized, calm, centered, strong and radiant. Yet most people fail to maintain these states, not for lack of trying, but for lack of ...

  • Wisdom & practices needed for our intense & changing times...
  • Self-awareness & systemic-awareness, to get to the roots of what drives the imbalances, overwhelm, burnout and repeating patterns...
  • Intentional space & structure to make changes.

It takes 40 days to reveal and break a habit, mindset or pattern. Lasting change requires awareness on all 4 realms of wellbeing & resiliency.

4 Elements of Wellbeing Cropped Christine Arylo

Instead of continuing to treat the symptoms and 'manage' stress and 'make it all work' - the structure of the 40-day practice will give you the space to:

1. ILLUMINATE your personal burnout imprints and 4 areas of well-being & resilience - Body/Physical, Mind/Mental, Heart/Emotional, Spirit/Meaningful (plus a bonus realm of Relational the last week).

2. UNLEARN sabotaging habits/mindsets/choices + experiment in your daily life so you LEARN (and trust) supportive ways to work, live, lead, succeed, create, relate and operate.

3. LIBERATE yourself from at least one - perhaps more - major mind/heart shift, physical pattern/reality and energy sucking habit.

4. ELEVATE your internal operating system - so the choices you make align with the reality you want to create.

The keys are:

WAKE UP - and see the root drivers of the burnout

FOCUS on what you can change - your patterns, habits, and choices

EMBRACE YOUR POWER - through practices & wisdom that create harmony

MAKE CHOICES - that align with your truth and needs & start doing things differently

Change your habits. Change your life. 

Elevate your awareness. Embrace your power.

Change your habits. Change your life.  Elevate your awareness. Embrace your power.

You'll be held in this 40-day container to:

ONE: Gain Self-Awareness of the Roots Driving You to Self-Sacrifice, Get Swirled Up, Work Too Hard & Give Too Much. Release, Unlearn + Elevate out of these. 

The insight you gain into your self-induced pressure will empower you to see what you can change, re-design and re-lease. Aware, you gain the power to create a more sustainable rhythm with space to both breathe + succeed.

Each week, we focus on one of your internal wellbeing realms - Body, Mind, Heart, Spirit & Relationships - to reveal what you cannot currently see, including your:

  • Unique "Burnout Blueprint" & the ROOT causes of the pressure, overwhelm and self-sacrificing you are experiencing - these are the imprints and choices - beliefs, patterns, habits, somatic body reactions - that drive you to operate, create and relate in ways that lead to imbalances in all parts of your life - personal and professional.  
  • "Stress Personality" - how you react to stress in ways that disempower you or that empower you to cultivate a stronger center - learn what you personally need in order to meet stress and intensity from a place of fierce grace, vs. fear, frustration, and frenzy.
  • Success Mindset - unconscious expectations or ideals that are driving you to work or push too hard - grind away at things that are not your part, or that keep you from feeling success no matter how much you do.

TWO: Learn & Experiment with Wisdom-Based Practices that Work with your Dynamic Life & Create Focus and a Sustainable Pace, even in the Intensity of Today's World 

Practices with the super power to transform burnout & overwhelm into balance & harmony, and give you access to more clarity, vitality, and physical, spiritual & emotional strength. 

Each week, you'll learn and experiment with simple practices, rituals and wisdom, including practices that empower you to:  

  • Transform anxiety, clear your mind and focus your thoughts 
  • Stop pushing, grinding, & forcing, and start pacing and working in the flow 
  • Increase your life force and maintain your energy - literal ancient secrets :) 
  • Say NO to taking more on, without guilt
  • Discern between what's important for now and what can wait for later 
  • Stop feeling guilty for slowing down or replenishing, and start claiming the space you need  
  • Create the space you need, even when there's not 'enough' time.
  • Prevent the burnout and overwhelm before it throws you off 

By the end of the 40-days you'll have:

1. A sustainable structure to your days, weeks, months and year - that creates a rhythm and flow, and keeps you in flow, even during intensity.

2. A consistent daily morning practice you love -- that has the power to keep you centered, calm, clear and connected - a 4-part recipe for how you start your day, can change your life.

3. Alternatives to how you "downshift" your days and weeks that sustain vs. drain your energy. This is a game changer! Did you know... 90% of all self-sabotage starts with how we spend the last 2 hours of our evening?

4. New "Self-Sustainability" imprints, inquiries and practices for making self-supportive, aligned choices - these empower you to make choices in your career, work, relationships, health, home and finances that lead to Balance and Harmony. 

The ancient sage and modern scientists agree that 40 days is enough to break sabotaging habits and install new neural pathways and ways of being and doing that can make shift that sticks.

THREE: Complete with a "Balance Backpack": Practices, Tools & Self-Awareness You'll have to Re-Center & Stay Clear and Calm, even in the Swirl. 

You will have FUN and enjoy exploring these practices, which will be there always for you to access. Including:

  • 3-11 minute meditations & breathing techniques - that transform anxiety and stress and restore clarity and calm.
  • Self-Sustainability Mantras - you use in the moment to give yourself permission to make the sustaining choice.
  • Rituals for Waking up & Starting Your Day in Harmony - vs. hacked, hurried and harried. Gives you things to 'do' that center your body, mind, heart and spirit.
  • Rituals for Downshifting & Restoring at night - the last hour of your day determines how you start the next day. Gives you things to 'do' that are healthy for you.
  • Short embodied practices for releasing stress in healthy ways - so you stop doing the things that may feel good in the moment, but actually drain your energy.
  • Re-harmonizing practices - awareness of the signs you are out of balance and the wisdom to come back to your center.  


You'll be held in this 40-day container to:

ONE: Gain Self-Awareness of the ROOTS Driving You to Self-Sacrifice, Get Swirled Up, Work too Hard & Give too Much. RELEASE, UNLEARN + ELEVATE out of these. 

The insight you gain into your self-induced pressure will empower you to see what you can change, re-design and re-lease. Aware, you gain the power to create a more sustainable rhythm with space to both breathe + succeed.

Each week, we focus on one of your internal well-being realms - Body, Mind, Heart, Spirit, Relational - to reveal what you cannot currently see, including your:

  • Unique "Burnout Blueprint" & the ROOT causes of the pressure, overwhelm and self-sacrificing you are experiencing - these are the imprints and choices - beliefs, patterns, habits, somatic body reactions - that drive you to operate, create and relate in ways that lead to imbalances in all parts of your life - personal and professional.  
  • "Stress Personality" - how you react to stress in ways that disempower you or that empower you to cultivate a stronger center - learn what you personally need in order to meet stress and intensity from a place of fierce grace, vs. fear, frustration, and frenzy.
  • Success Mindset - unconscious expectations or ideals that are driving you to work or push too hard - grind away at things that are not your part, or that keep you from feeling success no matter how much you do.

TWO: Learn & Experiment with Wisdom-Based Practices that Work with your Dynamic Life & Create Focus and a Sustainable Pace, even in the Intensity of Today's World 

Practices with the super power to transform burnout & overwhelm into balance & harmony, and give you access to more clarity, vitality, and physical, spiritual & emotional strength. 

Each week, you'll learn and experiment with simple practices, rituals and feminine wisdom, including practices that empower you to:  

  • Transform anxiety, clear your mind and focus your thoughts. 
  • Stop pushing, grinding, & forcing, and start pacing and working in the flow. 
  • Increase your life force and maintain your energy - literal ancient secrets :) 
  • Say NO to taking more on, without guilt.
  • Discern between what's important for now and what can wait for later. 
  • Stop feeling guilty for slowing down or replenishing, and start claiming the space you need.  
  • Create the space you need, even when there's not 'enough' time.
  • Prevent the burnout and overwhelm before it throws you off. 

By the end of the 40-days you'll have:

1. A sustainable structure to your days, weeks, months and year - that creates a rhythm and flow, and keeps you in flow, even during intensity.

2. A consistent daily morning practice you love -- that has the power to keep you centered, calm, clear and connected - a 4-part recipe for how you start your day, can change your life.

3. Alternatives to how you "downshift" your days and weeks that sustain vs. drain your energy. This is a game changer! Did you know that 90% of all self-sabotage starts with how we spend the last 2 hours of our evening?

4. New "Self-Sustainability" imprints, inquiries and practices for making self-supportive, aligned choices - these empower you to make choices in your career, work, relationships, health, home and finances that lead to Balance and Harmony. 

The wise sages and the modern scientists agree 40 days is enough to break sabotaging habits and install new neural pathways and ways of being and doing that can make shift that sticks.

THREE: Complete with a "Balance Backpack": Practices, Tools & Self-Awareness You'll have to Re-Center & Stay Clear and Calm, even in the Swirl. 

You will have FUN and enjoy exploring these practices, which will be there always for you to access. Including:

  • 3-11 minute meditations & breathing techniques - that transform anxiety and stress and restore clarity and calm.
  • Self-Sustainability mantras - you use in the moment to give yourself permission to make the sustaining choice.  
  • Rituals for Waking up & Starting Your Day in Harmony - vs. hacked, hurried and harried.
  • Rituals for Downshifting & Restoring at night - the last hour of your day determines how you start the next day.
  • Short embodied practices for releasing stress in healthy ways - vs. life draining ways.
  • Re-harmonizing practices - awareness of the signs you are out of balance and the wisdom to come back to your center.  


One big intention of the 40-Day Practice is about expanding your capacity to RECEIVE - the space, resources, insight, clarity, support, and connection that makes all the difference in how we show up as leaders in our work, families, teams and for ourselves.

The images below are from my book Overwhelmed & Over It. The Left side - the old norm that blocks us from receiving. This we release. The Right Side - the wise new norm that brings harmony to giving and receiving. This we embrace.

What people say about the 40-day experience + putting the wisdom + practices to use in their daily lives...

The Structure Was Great! I loved the weekly sessions, connecting with other women and listening to the wisdom. I took away that my wellbeing & sustainability is my birthright, it is not selfish, and I need to put myself first before I can take care of others in my life. 

I could listen from Australia and play it over & over reinforcing the messages for me, making it accessible, encouraging and fun! I loved the reminders of "how to" stay focused on myself. The daily emails kept me on track every day, I loved receiving them! Christine's heart-centered approach was felt across the world. 

I Received a Huge Aha + felt a Huge Leap. After three weeks of doing my morning practices every day, the Harmony Breaks and other "small but mighty" practices, I got a shocking and visceral realization of how much I neglect my own physical care. Then I felt a huge leap in self-love by choosing to 'do' the "inner work", one small thing at a time.  

I am very much a Type A Corporate Person. This was different for me, & I loved it! I really enjoyed the daily emails and learning. I strengthened my daily meditation practice over the 40 days…previously I only did it on the weekend and now I can’t imagine starting the day without tuning into myself and my Inner Wisdom. 

The Structure Was Great! I loved the weekly sessions, connecting with other women and listening to the wisdom. I took away that my wellbeing & sustainability is my birthright, it is not selfish, and I need to put myself first before I can take care of others in my life. 

I could listen from Australia and play it over & over reinforcing the messages for me, making it accessible, encouraging and fun! I loved the reminders of "how to" stay focused on myself. The daily emails kept me on track everyday, I loved receiving them! Christine's heart-centered approach was felt across the world. 

I Received a Huge Aha + felt a Huge Leap. After three weeks of doing my morning practices every day, the Harmony Breaks and other "small but mighty" practices, I got a shocking and visceral realization of how much I neglect my own physical care. Then I felt a huge leap in self-love by choosing to do all the "inner work", one small thing at a time.  

I am very much a Type A Corporate Person. This was different for me, & I loved it! I really enjoyed the daily emails and learning. I strengthened my daily meditation practice over the 40 days…previously I only did it on the weekend and now I can’t imagine starting the day without tuning into myself and my Inner Wisdom. 

From Burnout to Balance: Reset Your System + Rhythm to Stay Centered & Sustained

From Burnout to Balance: Reset Your System + Rhythm to Stay Centered & Sustained

The Power of Participating in a 40-Day Practice - with the structure held for you to make shift in how you live and lead your daily life.

The Power of Participating in a 40-Day Practice - with the structure held for you to make shift in how you live and lead your daily life.

What People who did this Practice Say About the Process + What They Received

"I am a different person than I was 40 days ago. I had the "google" mind set and wanted to just read something cool and feel better but it really is the little things you do DAILY that make all the difference.

I noticed resistance from the old part of me, but as the days went by, slowly there was less resistance. I will continue to use almost all of the tools that you gave us in the morning and evening practices and throughout the day, pushing through the resistance."

- Annie, Washington

"I thought the structure was excellent. The content was varied and I liked the mix of practices.
I loved the right and left brain approach."

I now know how to "never serve from my reserves" and to respond rather than react in situations. I see why I Over-give and the cost. I have a backpack of practices, from mantras to breathing techniques to my evening 'downshifting' rituals."  

– Nicola, United Kingdom 

"All of the information was visually soothing and the private online site gave me a sense that there was a virtual wisdom library that I could visit to get grounded.

Christine did an excellent job holding space for us during these 40 days."

– Heidi, Colorado

"My life is so much more balanced – I use the practices and tools daily.

I've learned to slow down, and to surrender to the Divine. Because of my morning and evening rituals I begin and end my days with grace."  

– Linda  

"Christine has so much wisdom to share. I love her passion and her feminine wisdom philosophy. I loved the videos, practices and live events where we were held in a safe container. I am continuing a number of the new practices I learned during this 40-day retreat."  

– Pam, Victoria, Canada  

"I now have daily habits for a morning & evening flow, a structure to support my wellbeing, and I am getting stronger at centering myself when life throws a curve ball. I loved Christine’s authenticity and obvious caring which comes through.

– Crystal, Calgary, Alberta, Canada  

What People who did this Practice Say About the Process + What They Received

"I am a different person than I was 40 days ago. I had the "google" mind set and wanted to just read something cool and feel better but it really is the little things you do DAILY that make all the difference.

I noticed resistance from the old part of me, but as the days went by, slowly there was less resistance. I will continue to use almost all of the tools that you gave us in the morning and evening practices and throughout the day, pushing through the resistance."

- Annie, Washington

"I thought the structure was excellent. The content was varied and I liked the mix of practices.
I loved the right and left brain approach."

I now know how to "never serve from my reserves" and to respond rather than react in situations. I see why I Over-give and the cost. I have a backpack of practices, from mantras to breathing techniques to my evening 'downshifting' rituals."  

– Nicola, United Kingdom 

"All of the information was visually soothing and the private online site gave me a sense that there was a virtual wisdom library that I could visit to get grounded.

Christine did an excellent job holding space for us during these 40 days."

– Heidi, Colorado

"My life is so much more balanced – I use the practices and tools daily.

I've learned to slow down, and to surrender to the Divine. Because of my morning and evening rituals I begin and end my days with grace."  

– Linda  

"Christine has so much wisdom to share. I love her passion and her feminine wisdom philosophy. I loved the videos, practices and live events where we were held in a safe container. I am continuing a number of the new practices I learned during this 40-day retreat."  

– Pam, Victoria, Canada  

"I now have daily habits for a morning & evening flow, a structure to support my wellbeing, and I am getting stronger at centering myself when life throws a curve ball. I loved Christine’s authenticity and obvious caring which comes through.

– Crystal, Calgary, Alberta, Canada  

Restore & replenish your reserves & radiance - body, mind, heart & spirit, right from inside your daily life. We'll be here for YOU so you don't forget yourself.

Restore & replenish your reserves & radiance - body, mind, heart and spirit - right from your daily life. We'll be here for YOU so you don't forget yourself.

About Christine Arylo, Your Guide for 40 Days

Christine Arylo, MBA, is a transformational leadership advisor, social impact entrepreneur & innovator, and best-selling author, speaker and teacher who leads retreats, workshops and programs around the world, for individuals, teams and organizations, working to make shift happen – in the lives they lead & the work they do & the world they live in.

From the heart. Led by their internal power and intuition.
Embodied in their wisdom. Here to make an impact, without sacrificing themselves.  

Arylo combines her 25 years of corporate business and entrepreneurial experience with 20 years of study the timeless wisdom traditions + the sciences of human development & wellbeing to guide others to lead their lives, businesses and relationships in a different way - professionally successful + internally empowered + and personally sustainable and satisfying.  

  • Her approach focuses on going past surface-level strategies and band-aid solutions to create experiences that teach and empower people to design lives, daily routines, short- and long-term goals, working patterns, and teams and organizations, in which both the individual and organization can sustain wellbeing, growth and true wealth.
  • Arylo is known for living what she teaches, again and again making courageous, aligned choices in her career, relationships, and life design to create realities that lead to harmony and sustainability. She believes that our self-sustainability is directly linked to the planet's sustainability. And that new ways of working and operating in this world are necessary for both to thrive. 
  • She works people across professions and geography - from business to tech to entrepreneurs, academia, entertainment, healthcare, educators, therapists and more ... the commonality being people who dare to embrace their power to do things differently, and then influence the people they guide and systems they live and work in.

Her fourth book is called ‘Overwhelmed and Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay CENTERED and SUSTAINED in a Chaotic world.”
Order your copy at www.overwhelmedandoverit.com.    
Learn more about Christine at www.ChristineArylo.com

Introducing Courtney Ramos, Our Space Holder & Community Tender

Courtney Ramos has both personal and professional experience with healing from and preventing burnout and compassion fatigue and is a passionate stand for self-care in its truest sense. She is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (CA 97006) with a telehealth-based private practice in San Diego, CA.

In her practice she does ISTDP which is a therapy that helps clients address the root causes of pain, access their inner strength and healing, while simultaneously working towards immediate relief. Courtney has extensive training in ISTDP, DBT, and Mindful Self-Compassion. Additionally, she is an avid Qi-Gong practitioner, and over the past 4 years has intentionally re-designed her therapy practice to be sustainable and have a great impact.

Part of Courtney’s harmonized life includes visiting beautiful places in nature with her husband, and spending time with her house rabbit and the two “career-changed” black labs she raised for Guide Dogs of America. This will be her 3rd year doing the 40-day practice, and her second year in the role of space holder.

If you are new to Christine and her work, here's a good way to learn more and see if this is a good fit for you.

If you are new to Christine and her work, here's a good way to learn more and see if this is a good fit for you.

Enrollment is Currently Closed. If you would like to be notified when enrollment opens for our next live session, enter your information below.

Tune into a recent Feminine Power Time Podcast Short where Christine talks about 40 Day Practices and getting to the roots of where burnout can be connected to our self-worth. 

Tune in on your favorite podcast app by searching Feminine Power Time, or use the links below. You can also tune in on Christine's Wisdom Blog here.

Listen on iTunes – here.
Listen on Stitcher – here.
Listen on Spotify – here.

From Christine's Personal Leadership Coaching Clients and Women's Leadership Council Members

"I was crushed by the burden... and then I met Christine."  

"I was the sole breadwinner for my family. I wanted more for my life, but I felt stuck. From my first conversation with Christine I could feel a shift. I started to realize the extent to which I took on way too much. With her help, I finally got that receiving rather than always giving helps me win precious time back with my family and create space for me. I have learned to trust myself, I now love making time to just "be", and I channel my energy towards the most important things to me, without guilt!"  

- Laurie, 43, Vice President Fortune 500, mother of two girls

"I thought if I could just do more and achieve the next thing, then I would be happy. I was addicted to being busy." 

"I believed that if I wasn't the one doing everything for my clients, my family, or my friends, I was a loser. I was tired, tortured, and lost. Christine gave me the courage and the confidence to turn my back on a high paying, but soul killing career. She challenged me to not raise my hand and volunteer to do every job, and you know what? If you don't raise your hand, someone else will. And you aren't any less of a person for it."  

- Krystin, 38, entrepreneur and mother of two

"Christine has a gift for creating powerful experiences that catalyze and transform your life, and create deeper, lasting connections with yourself and other conscious people

I’ve been to multiple retreats with Christine – both virtual and in-person – and have been be part of her leadership councils for several years. I’ve never felt so embraced, well-cared for, and provided with so much wisdom (and I have experienced many retreats and programs over the years.) She creates experiences in virtual settings like nothing I’ve ever experienced elsewhere. I’ve made life-long friendships. My life has become so much richer a result of Christine’s fierce grace, wisdom, and heart.”

- Dina Tibbs, 48, entrepreneur, women's leadership & young adult mentor and mother

From Christine's Personal Leadership & Coaching Clients

"I was crushed by the burden... and then I met Christine."  

"I was the sole breadwinner for my family. I wanted more for my life, but I felt stuck. From my first conversation with Christine I could feel a shift. I started to realize the extent to which I took on way too much. With her help, I finally got that receiving rather than always giving helps me win precious time back with my family and create space for me. I have learned to trust myself, I now love making time to just "be", and I channel my energy towards the most important things to me, without guilt!"  

- Laurie, 43, Vice President Fortune 500, and mother of two girls

"I thought if I could just do more and achieve the next thing, then I would be happy. I was addicted to being busy." 

"I believed that if I wasn't the one doing everything for my clients, my family, or my friends, I was a loser. I was tired, tortured, and lost. Christine gave me the courage and the confidence to turn my back on a high paying, but soul killing career. She challenged me to not raise my hand and volunteer to do every job, and you know what? If you don't raise your hand, someone else will. And you aren't any less of a person for it."  

- Krystin, 38, entrepreneur and mother of two

"Christine has a gift for creating powerful experiences that catalyze and transform your life, and create deeper, lasting connections with yourself and other conscious people

I’ve been to multiple retreats with Christine – both virtual and in-person – and have been be part of her leadership councils for several years. I’ve never felt so embraced, well-cared for, and provided with so much wisdom (and I have experienced many retreats and programs over the years.) She creates experiences in virtual settings like nothing I’ve ever experienced elsewhere. I’ve made life-long friendships. My life has become so much richer a result of Christine’s fierce grace, wisdom, and heart.”

- Dina Tibbs, entrepreneur, mentor and mother

When we gather with intention, shift happens.

Together, we have the power to create anything. 

Copyright © 2023 Christine Arylo & Expanding Possibility LLC | Privacy Policy

When we gather with intention, shift happens. Together, we have the power to create anything. 

Copyright © 2023 Christine Arylo & Expanding Possibility LLC | Privacy Policy