2020 Power Pause: A Year End Reflection Ritual
Complete Your Year Feeling Powerful, Proud & Peaceful,
Ready to Begin 2021 Clear, Confident and Wise.

Join host Christine Arylo Leadership Advisor, Best Selling Author & Wisdom Teacher 

Yes! Give me Immediate Access to the 2020 Reflection Ritual

 2020 Power Pause:
A Year End Reflection Ritual

Complete Your Year Feeling Powerful, Proud & Peaceful Ready to Begin 2021 Clear, Confident & Wise.

Join host Christine Arylo Leadership Advisor, Best Selling Author & Wisdom Teacher 

A free offering including the 4-Part Ritual on Video + Hand Ilustrated Guidebook Do the reflection ritual anytime between now and Dec 31st, at your pace. 

Give yourself space to reflect & acknowledge what you've accomplished & ways you've made a difference - it's so much more than you think.

Experience a simple process that supports you to release the year that has been... reset your mind, body, heart and spirit...
so you can start 2021 ready clear and empowered.

One of the reasons we never feel like we are doing enough is that we are missing rituals in our lives that guide us to slow down, reflect, see, and feel all that has occurred in the past cycle. 

Which is why every year for almost a decade, I host this special reflection ritual for you and people around the world. We all need a PAUSE, especially this year. 

Come and acknowledge all that you have done and become - professionally & personally.
Release what you don't want to take into 2021.
Reset mentally, emotionally & energetically .
And remember what matters to you.

Do this with yourself, your family, friends, partner, or your team.  

One of the reasons we never feel like we are doing enough is that we are missing rituals in our lives that guide us to slow down, reflect, see, and feel all that has occurred in the past cycle. 

Which is why every year for almost a decade, I host this special reflection ritual for you and people around the world. We all need a PAUSE, especially this year. 

Come and receive all that you have done and become - professionally & personally.

Release what you don't want to take into 2021.

Reset mentally, emotionally & energetically.

And remember what matters to you.

Do this with yourself, your family, friends, partner, or your team.  

What You'll Receive From Participating

2020 Reflection & Completion Ritual

A simple yet mighty four-step process I will lead you through, PLUS a hand-illustrated guidebook.

  • REMEMBER All You Have Done & Become in 2020:
    Celebrate and acknowledge yourself. See the shifts you've made. The impact you've had. The dreams that are more manifested. The challenges you faced and emerged victorious from. Get this into your cells so you begin 2021 feeling good about you.  This is more essential than ever after the year we've had and the year we are going into.

  • RELEASE What You Don't Need to Carry With You Into 2021:
    No need to take excess baggage - patterns, habits, situations, relationships -- into the new year. You have the power to leave them behind. Release disappointments and failures and transform them into wisdom. Start 2021 lighter, clearer and ready to receive what's ahead.  So you can stay focused on what really matters.

  • LOCK IN THE WISDOM You Gained in 2020 So You Don't Have to Learn It Again:
    Become conscious of all that you've learned through both your successes and shorts, so you don't have to repeat lessons already learned, and so you can make wiser choices in the coming year.  
  • OPEN THE DOOR TO 2021, Connected to What Will Keep You Centered & Sustained:
    When you choose to pause and intuitively tune into how you want to feel and focus in January and February, you don't wake up stressed on Jan 1 or pressure yourself to hit the ground running. You flow into the 2021, in ways that sustain and support you.

You will receive the 2020 Power Pause and Reflection Ritual Guidebook.

It's hand-illustrated, with all four steps, to make this simple, enlightening, enlivening and even fun for you. 

This will be emailed to you upon registration along with a video and audio recording of the process so you can do it at your own pace

2020 Completion Ritual

A simple yet mighty four-step process that I will lead you through, PLUS a hand-illustrated guidebook.

  • REMEMBER All You Have Done & Become in 2020: Celebrate and acknowledge yourself. See the shifts you've made. The impact you've had. The dreams that are more manifested. The challenges you faced and emerged victorious from. Get this into your cells so you begin 2021 feeling good about you.  
  • RELEASE What You Don't Need to Carry With You Into 2021: No need to take excess baggage - patterns, habits, situations, relationships -- into the new year. You have the power to leave them behind. Release disappointments and failures and transform them into wisdom. Start 2021 lighter, clearer and ready to receive what's ahead.  
  • LOCK IN THE WISDOM You Gained in 2020 So You Don't Have to Learn It Again: Become conscious of all that you've learned through both your successes and shorts, so you don't have to repeat lessons already learned, and so you can make wiser choices in the coming year.
  • OPEN THE DOOR TO 2021 And See What's In Store: Be ahead of the curve, and open yourself up to see what's coming for you in 2021. No need to stress on Jan 1st because you will have already started your new year process!

You will receive the 2020 Power Pause and Reflection Ritual Guidebook, hand-illustrated, with all four steps, to make this simple, and rewarding for you.


A letter from my heart to yours, about the Year End Power Pause & Why I am leading this ritual for the 10th year, again...as a gift to you.

Hello Dear One, 

I am inviting you to press PAUSE on the outside world and gather with me at one of the four most powerful times of the year for accessing deeper wisdom, gaining inner strength and clarity, and illuminating the path ahead. When you choose to pause and look back at the year that's been, you can have a such an empowering impact on your levels of success, happiness, and health in the coming year. 

I have been doing this reflection ritual for almost 16 years in my personal life, my business, and in my partnership. It is founded on wisdom of how humans naturally work and create best. It's like a gift to yourself. And it's a leadership best practice I couldn't lead my life and organization without.  

In times like this, we need space to connect more deeply with ourselves, with a deeper wisdom, with the natural stillness of the earth and with each other.  

What I LOVE about this Power Pause is that because I have created the space to reflect, come January, I am so much more clear, confident, and focused on what truly matters to me and what I choose to focus my life on in the coming year.  

I am honored and so thrilled to once again be sharing this. I look forward to sharing this with you!  

Christine Arylo
Leadership Advisor, Wisdom Teacher, MBA  

 Hello Dear One,  

I am inviting you to press PAUSE on the outside world and gather with me at one of the four most powerful times of the year for accessing deeper wisdom, gaining inner strength and clarity, and illuminating the path ahead. When you choose to pause and look back at the year that's been, you can have a such an empowering impact on your levels of success, happiness, and health in the coming year. 

I have been doing this reflection ritual for almost 16 years in my personal life, my business, and in my partnership. It is founded on wisdom of how humans naturally work and create best. It's like a gift to yourself. And it's a leadership best practice I couldn't lead my life and organization without.  

In times like this, we need space to connect more deeply with ourselves, with a deeper wisdom, with the natural stillness of the earth and with each other.  

What I LOVE about this Power Pause is that because I have created the space to reflect, come January, I am so much more clear, confident, and focused on what truly matters to me and what I choose to focus my life on in the coming year.  

I am honored and so thrilled to once again be sharing this. I look forward to sharing this with you!  

with great heart, 

Christine Arylo Feminine Leadership Advisor, Wisdom Teacher, MBA  

I'll also share how you can vision and create your life and work differently, in the way that humans work, grow and create best. 

Most of us never learned how to access our full spectrum of power or wisdom to stay focused on what matters, and to achieve success in a way that sustains vs. sacrifices our own personal wellness and needs.  

The times ahead are not going to get less intense or pressure filled - so we need to re-attune our internal operating systems to our inner wisdom and put in place practices and stucture that keep us centered and clear admist the swirl. 

This Reflection Ritual is hosted by my wisdom school, The Feminine Wisdom Way, each year, before we start our visioning and intention setting process the entire month of January. Consider yourself invited.

I'll also be sharing how you can vision and create your life and work differently, in the way that humans work, grow and create best.

Most of us never learned how to access our full spectrum of power or wisdom to stay focused on what matters. Which makes it impossible to achieve success in a way that sustains vs. sacrifices our own personal wellness and needs.  
The times ahead are not going to get less intense or pressure filled - so as the wise leaders of our lives, we re-attune our internal operating systems even more to our inner wisdom.

We implement practices that fit with our modern day lives that strengthen us inside to face the world in grace. This is what the embodied feminine in practical day to day use is all about. 

Have questions? Email us at love@arylo.com  

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