An Embodied Self-Love Experience
(based on the teachings of Christine Arylo & The Path of Self Love)

Receive simple practices to stay connected & true to you.  

Yoga means union.
The Yoga of Self-Love gives you simple but mighty practices that empower you to create more calm, clarity and courage within by creating a deeper union with yourself. 

You won't have to do bendy postures. You will receive practices that cultivate mental, emotional and physical wellness from within. That get you connected to your true self, so the choices you make every day and in big ways are aligned and right for you.

Note: We are currently migrating our online platform to make the materials more easily accessible. We will re-open access in mid September. For now, we invite you to tune into our Self Love Podcast series here -

An Embodied Self-Love Experience
(based on the teachings of Christine Arylo & The Path of Self Love)

Receive simple practices to stay connected & true to you.  

Yoga means union.
The Yoga of Self-Love gives you simple but mighty practices that empower you to create more calm, clarity and courage within by creating a deeper union with yourself. 

You won't have to do bendy postures. You will receive practices that cultivate mental, emotional and physical wellness from within. That get you connected to your true self, so the choices you make every day

Note: We are currently migrating our online platform to make the materials more easily accessible. We will re-open access in mid September. For now, we invite you to tune into our Self Love Podcast series here -

If you would love simple practices that can keep you connected to yourself, tuned into your heart and your truth - so you can stay centered, calm, clear and courageous - keep reading...

We created this to fit into your life as a structure that supports & nourishes you, not another thing you have to do.  

Here's how it works.

 One: We focus on strengthening one branch of self-love each month, which touches the 10 kinds of self-love you need to stay strong, stable and making self-loving, self-empowered, supportive choices.

Self Love Tree by Christine Arylo

Here's the order of the flow. We find it's really powerful and doable to focus on just one branch of self love over a one-month period.

  • Self Compassion - Turn self-inflicted pressure, criticism and judgement into patience, understanding and gentleness.
  • Self Trust - Transform self-doubt and confusion into clarity and courage. 
  • Self Empowerment - Stop just dreaming about what you want to manifest in your life. Get rooted in your heart's desires, so you can step boldly forward in ways that stretch you + feel good!  
  • Self Awareness & Honesty - Get clear on who you are, who you are not, and reveal how you can bring your life more into alignment with your heart and soul.
  • Self Acceptance - Transform comparison, future tripping, and negative body talk into an embodied sense of contentment that inspires you to grow. 
  • Self Expression - Release fear of being seen and standing out. Embrace your true essence and let your freak flag fly.  
  • Self Care - Stop sacrificing yourself for your work, mission or others, and open up your heart to name, claim and receive what you need, without apology.
  • Self Pleasure - Stop waiting for the day you have space to enjoy life. Take a stand for savoring your life and creating space for what nourishes your soul, now!  
  • Self Respect and Honor - Transform toxic or draining relationships. Take a stand to only have loving, respectful relationships, personally and professionally.
  • Self-Esteem - Name and claim your gifts so you can feel how you are making a difference in the world, and stop trying to fit into what the outside world deems valuable.
  • Self Worth - Redefine your definition of success to match what is true in your heart so you have the power to design a life you love. 
  • Take a Self Love Pulse Check and Make Your Yearly Self Love Promise - In honor of Self Love Day on Feb 13th, see where you are weak and strong in self-love, and take one promise you will keep all year to ensure you stay true to yourself. 

TWO: We share the practices in a way that support you to be stronger, clearer, calmer and more centered in your life. 

It's like a weekly yoga class, but this comes to you, so you can flow this into your life. The practices are about connecting to yourself, not about doing bendy postures or meditating for an hour. No yoga mat or experience needed.

Most of the practices take 3-11 minutes, you can do them as part of creating or deepening your morning or evening routine, as a reason to take me-time, or whenever you need a mental or emotional reset. This is support for you! 

You can follow our suggested pace, with once focus per week, as outlined below, or whatever pace suits you that month.

  • Week 1: Daily Morning Practice for the Month + a Teaching Video on the Self-Love Branch of the Month - delivered in a short video and a practice card you can print out. This becomes a part of how you start your day, for you! And gives you a deeper understanding of that branch of self-love so you can discern where you are weak and strong, and see how grow.
  • Week 2: Heart Harmonizing Meditation - you can listen to restore calm, clarity, courage and connection to yourself.  
  • Week 3: Self Awareness Practice that helps you connect and communicate with your heart desires and inner wisdom - a video/audio + written out practice that includes simple but potent inquiries and creative inspiration, that tunes you into what is true for you and gives you permission to receive the support your heart needs. I call these Daring Acts of Love, they are FUN, enlightening and empowering.  
  • Week 4: Daily Love Boosts + Mantra that just make you feel good. A happy heart = more centered you. Bring you more love and joy and to lighten the load on your mind and heart. Super short. But it feels so good! 

You decide each month how much self-love you need. You cannot fall behind. This isn't a program you do or a class you have to learn.

This is a support structure that shows up in your life so you don't forget about you, so you can stay true to who you are and what you desire to create and cause for yourself and what really matters.

"I have learned so many tools and ways to comfort and trust myself.

I have gained confidence and a voice to be heard in the world."

"When life gets hectic and busy it’s too easy to start putting myself later on the list. Receiving these practices weekly reminds me to renew my commitments to myself."

"I have grown more in the last few years through this self-love support than any therapist i've ever had. Why? Because you give specific instructions on how to move forward. Thank you!"

“I thought I had self-love down, but I don't. Christine has shown me there are many aspects of self-love.

Receiving and doing these practices in my day to day life has enriched me so much.”  

"The fresh, vibrant, radiant presence of Christine is my inspiration to stay positive and kind to myself.

The support I receive from these practices means SO much to me." 

The Teachings, Self-Awareness Exercises and Daring Acts of Love, Inquiries and Practices included in The Yoga of Self Love are based on the best-selling self-love book, "Madly in Love with Me: The Daring Adventure to Becoming Your Own Best Friend."

After a decade of research on self-love and the questions:

  • "What is Self Love?"
  • " How do you know if you are strong or weak in self-love?"
  • " How do you strengthen your inner foundation of Self-Love"

Arylo, a pioneer in mental and emotional wellness, changed the definition of self-love, founded Self Love Day and created a school that has trained people on 6 continents.

This self-love methodology has been called "an illumined path of self-love" by leading thought leaders, and is used by therapists, teachers and coaches around the world.

We'd love to support you with these practices and exercises that are potent + fun.

We made it simple and affordable.

Come back in September to access the practice library.
For now - tune into our Self Love Podcast Series at

Our hearts are our power centers. If we take good care of our hearts, and stay connected to ourselves, we make choices about our careers, relationships, life designs, health and wealth that are centered in our truth, and what truly matters to us. As we sustain ourselves, we thrive even more.

Our hearts are our power centers. If we take good care of our hearts, and stay connected to ourselves, we make choices about our careers, relationships, life designs, health and wealth that are centered in our truth, and what truly matters to us. As we sustain ourselves, we thrive even more.

Here are 3 of the foundational promises of self-love. Imagine living by these.

Here are 3 of the foundational promises of self-love. Imagine living by these.

Want to know more about The Path of Self Love, or the founder Christine Arylo?  

Visit The Path of Self Love Website
Visit Christine Arylo's Website

Want to know more about the Path of Self Love, or the founder Christine Arylo? 

INVITE OTHERS TO JOIN YOU! Share the Yoga of Self Love with your friends on social media. When we come together, with intention, in community, shift happens! 

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INVITE OTHERS TO JOIN YOU! Share the Yoga of Self Love with your friends on social media. When we come together, with intention, in community, shift happens! or © Copyright 2021 Path of Self Love Privacy Policy | Contact Us